Вт. Бер 18th, 2025 1:05:22 PM

Ссылки на статьи и новости зарубежных СМИ на тему розничной торговли. Первый выпуск.

Этой публикацией мы запускаем постоянный англоязычный дайджест интересных материалов на тему ритейла. Надеемся, он будет интересен вам и поможет находиться в курсе основных тенденций мирового рынка розничной торговли.

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The three big box retailers seemed to have the right mix of product, price, place and promotion as consumers streamed into stores across the country.
Reuters – 11/28/2011
Amazon, Best Buy and Sears Get High Marks for Mobile Performance
Consumers were more satisfied with their mobile shopping experiences on Black Friday this year versus last, according to the Compuware Gomez Performance Satisfaction Index.
Mobile Commerce Daily – 11/28/2011
Green Tuesday and Camo Thursday Promos to Drive Sales
Retailers are giving consumers reasons to shop beyond Black Friday and Cyber Monday.
The Associated Press/Google – 11/28/2011
Shoppers Go Local for Small Business Saturday
The signs were encouraging for local businesses during Small Business Saturday.
Dekalb Daily Journal – 11/28/2011
One for the Retail Record Books
Retailers generated a record $52.4 billion in sales for the Thanksgiving weekend leading some to revise their expectations for the holiday season upward.
Bloomberg News – 11/27/2011
Cyber Monday Expected to Set New High for Online Sales
Eighty percent of online retailers are expected to offer special deals for Cyber Monday shoppers.
CNNMoney/Chicago Tribune – 11/27/2011
Employers to Try to Keep Workers from Shopping on the Job
Sixty percent of companies block employees from shopping online while on the job, according to Robert Half Technology.
South Florida Sun-Sentinel -11/27/2011
Store Security Put to Test on Black Friday
A woman used pepper spray on other customers to try and keep them from buying an Xbox system she wanted for herself.
USA Today – 11/26/2011